The 10 Best JavaScript Frameworks of 2024 with pros and cons

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The world of web development is a continuously changing field, and JavaScript frameworks are a good example of this. These powerful tools provide structure, pre-built components, and strong ecosystems to facilitate the development of intricate and dynamic web applications. As we enter 2024, several frameworks emerge as front-runners with features and philosophies that align with new requirements in modern-day development.

What is a JavaScript framework?

Before we go through the list of it, let us first make sure that we fully understand the “JavaScript framework”. These are some pre-written JavaScript codes which come together to form a basis for building web applications. Imagine it as a well-detailed house plan whereby you are given directions, ready-made materials, and an outline of how the house is going to look, thus saving time on starting fresh.

JavaScript Frameworks
JavaScript framework

Importance of JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks have become essential to modern web development and offer a number of strong benefits:

  • Structure and Organization: Frameworks provide a solid structure for your code, making it easier to maintain, expand upon, and work with in groups.
  • Efficiency: They have pre-built elements, components, and tools for common programming jobs, which tremendously shorten the time required for development.
  • Abstraction: Frameworks handle many low-level details of interacting with the browser and the DOM (Document Object Model) so that you can concentrate more on your application’s business logic or specific use case.
  • Best Practices: Popular frameworks often encourage certain standard practices and design models, thus resulting in cleaner codes that conform to industry standards.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Large communities, extensive documentation, tutorials, third-party libraries, and active support resources are characteristics of widely used frameworks.

The Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks in 2024

Let’s explore the best JavaScript frameworks and dissect what makes them excel in 2024:

1. React

React is the reigning JavaScript library in the category of frameworks. The most JS in recent times. This is because it is committed to using component-based architecture, specifically a virtual DOM, and strong performance optimizations. One area it particularly excels in involves the creation of highly interactive and complex interfaces that have sophisticated state management requirements.


  • Component-Based Architecture: React’s method of splitting up UIs into reusable parts increases modularity, maintainability, and ease of testing. Keeping this structure in mind will keep your application organized as it becomes more complex.
  • Virtual DOM: React’s virtual DOM acts smart to apply the minimum required changes to the real DOM. These updates are highly efficient and enhance user experience, especially in applications that have a lot of data manipulation instances.
  • Large Ecosystem and Community: React has an enormous community with a wide range of libraries, tools, tutorials, and support that make development faster and troubleshooting easier due to the wealth of available resources.


  • React’s High Learning Curve (For Some): Although React is easy to learn, it can be difficult to master complete usage of the library, particularly with regards to state management.
  • JSX as a Possibility for Obstacle: JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that resembles HTML but is being used in React, has gained popularity among many but might prove to be challenging at first for those who have been exposed to typical template separation.
  • Evolving Best Practices: At times, the rapid pace of React development leads to changing community best practices and they must be kept up with by taking proactive measures.

2. Vue.js:

The beginner-friendliness of Vue.js is one of the things that has made it a popular choice. It has some great documentation, and its syntax is approachable, thus making it a good choice for beginners. It is flexible enough to work on projects of different sizes. If you are looking for simplicity, intuitive design, and robust features all at once, then Vue.js may be your best bet.


  • Beginner-friendly: This is Vue.js which is one of the most beginner-friendly frameworks. When it comes to front-end frameworks, many developers choose Vue because it has a gentle learning curve, an intuitive syntax and great documentation.
  • Adaptability and Scalability: Projects made with Vue.js have been found to be both flexible and scalable in nature. It’s possible to start with very basic features for a small application then keep adding more advanced functionalities such as routing, state management among others as your application grows.
  • Rapidity and Efficiency: The virtual DOM utilization and reactivity system make Vue.js exceptionally fast. This results in snappy, responsive user interfaces.


  • Smaller Community and Ecosystem: Although Vue.js has an active and fast-growing community, it is still a bit smaller than React or Angular. At times, this could imply reduction in the number of third-party libraries and resources.
  • Limited Opinionated Structure: Vue.js is less opinionated, but some developers may prefer a slightly more opinionated approach that gives a clear path for big applications.
  • Potential Reactivity Complexity: It may take time to understand and master Vue’s reactivity system which can be simpler than other alternatives in situations that involve complex contexts.

3. Angular

Angular, supported by Google, is an opinionated and comprehensive framework with a focus on enterprise-grade applications. It is considered to be the best JS in recent times. It works best for organized and large-scale projects that need TypeScript integration, have well-defined development paths, and require built-in solutions to complex architectural requirements.


  • Structure and Scalability: Angular has a good structure that is enforced through the use of components, services, modules and dependency injection. It’s designed in such a way that it can accommodate complex applications that are on large scale which require codes that are maintainable and predictable.
  • TypeScript Integration: This one is great because it provides tight integration with typescript, which results in more secure coding procedures, improves tools support as well as augments developers’ productivity.
  • Rich Ecosystem and Support: Besides Google’s funding, Angular comes with an extensive ecosystem encompassing libraries, tools as well as documentation; thus providing numerous resources to rely on and active support from its community.


  • It’s steeper: Angular has more structured approach to the app development process, and its emphasis on TypeScript can make it more complicated than other platforms. This can be a stumbling block for beginners or projects that need quick start-up.
  • Opinionated Architecture: Some developers may feel restricted by the opinionated nature of Angular as they prefer more freedom in terms of flexibility in their development process. Such restriction puts off some projects needing high customization level.
  • Because of Angular’s structure, code might be longer than those produced by lightweight frameworks. Such verbosity is necessary since it guarantees organization and maintenance.

4. Svelte

Svelte has really changed the game by compiling your components into efficient vanilla JS code at build time. This means that pages load quickly, bundles are tiny, and code feels clean and fresh to work with as a developer.


  • Blazing-Quickness: Svelte’s groundbreaking way of getting its components into vanilla javascript enables you to completely eliminate the virtual DOM, and so has outstanding performance with minimal runtime overhead, hence fitting strongly for applications that require speed.
  • Tiny Bundle Sizes: Due to the compilation process, svelte applications have extremely small package sizes. This results in faster load times and a much smoother user experience, especially on slower connections.
  • Clean and Efficient Code: On the other hand, Svelte has focused on using vanilla JavaScript as an output language which makes it more readable than other frameworks where there is a dependence on a runtime layer.


  • Smaller Community and Ecosystem: Svelte being a new comer is still developing its community and ecosystem when compared to established frameworks meaning lesser third-party libraries and resources are available.
  • Newer Framework, Less Established Practices: Being a younger framework, Svelte is still figuring out best practices and development patterns. Thus, developers may be less certain about how things work than with frameworks that have been around longer.
  • Limited IDE Support and Tooling: Although the tooling is growing, present IDE support and development tools for Svelte might not be as extensive as those offered by more mature frameworks.

5. Next.js

Developed on React, Next.js is a full-stack framework with an obsession for performance, server-side rendering, and a significantly improved developer experience; it has become the ultimate choice for creating high-traffic websites that are friendly to search engines as well as complicated web applications.


  • Performance Optimization: Next.js gives priority to performance through features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), automated code splitting, and route pre-fetching. This results in quick-loading SEO-friendly web apps.
  • Full-Stack Prowess: With both frontend (based on React) and backend capabilities, Next.js simplifies the development process and provides a unified framework for building complete web applications.
  • Developer Experience: Next.js had great developer experience that streamlined setup, intuitive file-based routing and features such as hot reloading of pages which made it easy for developers.
  • Large Community: As a popular React-based framework, Next.js has a big community of users who are always ready to offer support, tutorials, or other resources.


  • Opinionated Structure: Another example of Next.js’ opinionated structure is its file and route organization. As much as it may be useful, to many developers, it feels like handcuffs.
  • Complexity for Simpler Projects: Then again, Next.js has a slight overhead if you need the entire package for your project. A less demanding alternative might be more appropriate for less complicated websites.
  • Server-Side Rendering Knowledge: However, using all available features that are powered by Next.js may require quite sound knowledge about server-side rendering in most cases.

6. Remix

Remix is focused on the promotion of web basics, full-stack functionality, and velocity through React. It’s celebrated for its nested routing, performant data-loading strategies, and strong user experience emphasis.


  • The Web Fundamentals Focus: Remix uses traditional web technologies like forms to make it highly compatible with browser behaviors, and to increase accessibility. This will result in a more robust user experience.
  • Nested Routing: Remix has nested routing which lets you define layouts as well as data dependencies that affect the entire component hierarchy; thereby creating an efficient and structured way of loading data.
  • Performance: By focusing on speed using server-side rendering, nested data prefetching and smart code optimization techniques, websites and applications can be made to feel profoundly fast and responsive to users.
  • Full-Stack Prowess: Frontend-to-backend codes are seamlessly bridged by Remix, allowing full-stack features to be built within a single framework paradigm.


  • Nascent Framework: Remix is a baby compared to behemoths like React and Angular. This is sometimes means that there are few community resources online and changes or updates of core features are more likely.
  • Smaller Ecosystem: Since it is newer, only a few libraries and tools exist in the third-party market for Remix unlike some other frameworks.


Ember.js is a mature and tested battle framework that prioritizes stability, clear conventions, and structured web development. This is good for teams that want a vision of what to do next, cherish the dependable operational life of systems in use for a long time, and prefer more opinion-based frameworks.


  • Unchangingness and Ordinariness: Ember.js guarantees established stability fused with what’s known as “convention over configuration”. In this way, the team need not waste a lot of time on redundant paper work and making choices but focus on developing the main part of an application.
  • Long Lasting Support: Due to its stability and absolute backwards compatibility, Ember.js is highly recommended for projects that have long term objectives in mind so that they can avoid the pain associated with breaking changes during framework upgrades.
  • Effective Tools: Ember.js contains a variety of powerful tools; such as Ember CLI or Ember Data which make it easier to develop, test, or manage data within an ecosystem built around Ember.


  • Learning Curve is Steeper: Ember.js may be more difficult to learn than some other frameworks because of the specific conventions which make its structure opinionated and unlike other frontend experiences.
  • Reduced Flexibility: There are times when you might feel that the focus on conventions is a bit limiting, especially if your customization levels are high or you want to deviate from well-known Ember patterns.
  • The community is smaller. Ember.js has a smaller user base than React and Angular, for example, despite having an ardent community. This could imply that there may not be as many off-the-shelf, third-party resources and libraries.

8. Solid JS

SolidJS is a performant framework that borrows heavily from React’s principles. SolidJS comes with an extraordinary fine-grained reactivity model that allows for its blazing fast performance. This approach to tracking reactivity results in the most optimized rendering, surgical updates, and a competitive performance profile.


  • Distinctive Performance: The fine-grained reactivity model of SolidJS is really shining most brightly at this point. Changes are tracked with great accuracy, which ensures there will be few re-renders and updates to the DOM that are executed with the speed of light. This is often a reason for the framework to perform better than virtual-DOM based ones.
  • Reduced Bundle Sizes: SolidJS produces leaner and optimized JavaScript code by means of a compiler. Consequently, bundle sizes become smaller, and load times are quicker for your applications.
  • Developer Experience: Many developers have so much fun using SolidJS as they develop. Its JSX syntax can be said to be familiar to React developers while its lack of a virtual DOM often simplifies the mind model needed.


  • Being harder to learn: Being inspired by React, SolidJS’s reactivity model is more precise requiring different thinking than virtual DOM approach. It will take time for you to get used to it.
  • Smaller Community Size: The community of SolidJS is not as big as those of React, Vue.js or Angular, but it’s quite dedicated and enthusiastic. This means that you may have less libraries available for you and less examples from the community.
  • Less Mature Tooling: For a framework that is relatively new the tooling and ecosystem around solidJS are still evolving unlike other matured frameworks.


If you are concerned with how big your bundle is, what you need is Preact, an alternative to React that comes in a very small size and still makes it possible for the programmer to use the same APIs. It is particularly useful in situations where there is a need to come up with performance-critical applications that count kilobytes or when adding components to already-built legacy sites.


  • Tiny Footprint: Preact is very small in size (about 3KB). This leads to fast page load times, which makes it perfect for performance centric uses or those targeting devices with constrained network bandwidth.
  • React Compatibility: In most cases, Preact’s API can be used as a substitute for the one for React thereby enabling developers who are well-versed with React to easily shift and sometimes even introduce Preact into existing React projects with an intention of making them better.
  • Simple and Focused: Unlike React, Preact has less functionality so that newcomers can easily grasp the basics of web development without any further complications.


  • Small Ecosystem: Preact, being smaller, has less extensive third-party libraries and tools ecosystem compared to React. It might force you to build certain components or integrations yourself.
  • Potential Lack of Advanced Features: Some advanced features of React such as context API or new ones like hooks have been deliberately omitted in Preact. Consequently, if your project depends much on these, then using Preact may not be the right choice.
  • Long-Term Maintenance: Despite its popularity; however, Preact has fewer core team members and a lesser sized community as compared to React. This could affect the long-term maintenance and pace at which new features are added.


This micro-framework has a declarative approach; hence, it provides a way to insert dynamic interactions in HTML directly. It is perfect when you want to add simple reactive elements to already-made pages or when you think that an extensive framework is unnecessary.


  • Tiny Footprint: Alpine.js is lightweight and has a small footprint, which makes it suitable when you want to add some interactivity to your web pages without getting onboard a full framework.
  • Declarative Syntax: You can inject reactivity directly into your HTML markup using custom attributes with Alpine.js. If you are already familiar with HTML, this method will seem as natural as anything else and will help you write clean and simple code.
  • Shallow Learning Curve: Starting off with Alpine.js is extremely fast. This could be useful for those who just want to add some interactivity to existing projects or even for those that prefer lesser complex frameworks.


  • Narrow Focus: Alpine.js deliberately concentrates on light touch interactions. It’s unsuitable for building large scale single page apps or handling complicated state management needs.
  • No Component Model: Unlike bigger frameworks, Alpine.js lacks an inherent concept of reusable components. For managing UI complexity in larger projects, you might have to come up with your own strategies for decomposing the user interface.
  • Smaller Community: Although it is growing, Alpine.js has a smaller community and fewer resources and libraries as compared to other popular frameworks such as React, Vue.js, or AngularJS.

Choosing the Right Framework

The fastest speed of web development and the great diversity of options can cause difficulty in choosing the “best” framework. When taking a decision, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

Project Scope and Complexity: Will you be building a simple website, a complex business system or something in between? Frameworks such as Alpine.js and Svelte would be ideal for small scale projects while React, Angular and Vue.js can handle better complex application designs.

Team Experience: Does your team have any experience with specific frameworks, or prefer certain architectural styles? Think about whether you need to learn new things about a framework or if it is more advisable to make use of what they already know.

Performance Requirements: In case your top priority is raw speed and small bundle sizes then you should consider frameworks like Svelte or Preact.

Learning Curve: There are some frameworks that have low barriers to entry like Vue.js while others tend to have steep learning curves at the initial stage such as Angular.

Long-Term Needs and Scalability: For large-scale applications that need scaling with changing requirements, it might suit you best to go with Angular or React, which emphasize structure and strong tooling, respectively.

Most Used JS Framework in 2024

React is in fact the most used JavaScript framework today, and this is why:

Popularity and Market Share: Among other popular JavaScript UI libraries and frameworks such as Angular or Vue.js, React consistently tops surveys like the State of JS and Stack Overflow Developer Survey to be considered as the most popular and well-loved one.

Massive Ecosystem: This can be seen in terms of:

  •     Wide-ranging libraries and tools
  •     Active forums and support channels
  •     Numerous learning resources

Adoption by Big Companies: Tech giants use official React, including Facebook, its original developers, Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber, among others, which gives it direction for continuous improvement, therefore always keeping it current.

Component-Based Architecture: This leads to effective, modular and expandable web applications with reusable components at the core of React.

Virtual DOM: As a result, performance improves since, in actuality, React’s virtual DOM (representation of UI in memory) allows for optimization of updating the real DOM.

Case Studies

Gmail (React): Gmail is a good illustration of React’s ability to create dynamic and responsive interfaces. Gmail can do this because it uses React to:

  • Handle intricate states effortlessly, like when you sort, archive or mark emails.
  • Update the UI with minimum effort and without reloading the whole page.
  • Run smoothly on dated personal computers because of React’s improvements.

Netflix (React): React is an important tool for Netflix to provide a smooth user experience across different devices. Netflix does this by:

  • Developing custom UI components for different screen sizes and input methods (TV remotes, touchscreens, etc.).
  • Increasing rendering performance while browsing.
  • Managing the complex state connected with user recommendations, watchlists and playback history.

The New York Times (React): The New York Times demonstrates how React can be used to create content-heavy and highly interactive websites. This is facilitated by certain features of React, which include:

  • Dynamic updates and real-time news are handled effortlessly.
  • Components are arranged for various parts, articles and multimedia.
  • React’s component-based architecture facilitates A/B testing of different layouts alongside elements.

Trello (Vue.js): Vue.js is a very good choice for the interactive board-like interface of Trello because it has these features;

  • It has simple syntax, which makes it easier to learn and develop faster.

  • Dragging and dropping elements as well as lists that are flexible in nature.

  • Two way data bind that allow different users make updates on the website.

Salesforce (Angular): Salesforce uses the powerful enterprise capabilities of Angular to underpin its complex CRM platform. Some of the major uses of this framework are:

  • Partitioning big applications into small units with components and services.
  • Handling data complexities through dependency injection mechanism as well as strong data manipulation approaches available in angular.
  • Meeting web standards via strict TypeScript bindings.

Svelte (Asana): Svelte is key in Asana’s emphasis on performance optimization;

  • Removing the practically needless virtual DOM had enabled the achievement of fast as light Svelte performance.
  • The bundle size is kept at minimum levels that make it possible for quick load times, which results in better experiences via low-bandwidth networks.
  • Keeping tasks and projects well managed with a smooth interface.

Some Extra Examples

1) Spotify (React + Others): Other technologies, together with React, are used by Spotify to make the web player have a smooth interface, strong search, and personalized recommendations.

2) (Preact): This is where Preact comes in for BBC’s website. Whether your internet connection is fast or slow, it ensures that their news content loads quickly all over the world.

3) GitLab (Vue.js + others): Moreover, GitLab acts as a complex software development platform that integrates Vue.js into some of its user interfaces and other frameworks for different uses.

Beyond the Basics: Emerging Frameworks to Watch

JavaScript world is always on the move; therefore, even though our top 10 list unveils frameworks at the apex as of 2024, there are still many other emerging ones that one ought to be cautious of.

  • Qwik: React-based Qwik’s focus is on resumability. It allows you to pause rendering on the server and deliver minimally interactive HTML which can then continue rendering from where it had stopped after being passed onto the client side.
  • Astro: Astro is all about content-oriented websites that come with a flexible default minimum JavaScript shipping approach. It supports multiple frameworks: React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, etc., thus allowing you to build your components using your favorite tool.


More than ever before, the JavaScript framework landscape in 2024 will become highly diverse and innovative. This being the case, there is no particular “best” framework; rather, choosing the right one depends so much on specific project requirements, the strengths of your team, and what you consider important. As a result, if you consider all this carefully, it will not be long before you discover a single framework that finally enables you to make excellent and captivating web applications that are high-performing too.

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Hafiza Islam

I'm a content writer and SEO expert specializing in creating blogs focused on SEO marketing. With years of experience, I craft informative content that boosts search rankings and drives traffic, empowering businesses to succeed online.

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